
Ta-Da! Thursday Thunks!

Time for some Thursday Thunks!

1. This cat-
Link- scary or cute?
Neither. Rather fashionable -- he's wearing what's akin to a maribu feather top and sort of reminds me of Anna Wintour.

2. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes reproducing again. Good idea or don't care?
Could not care less.

3. Do you smile at strangers when you make eye contact?

4. What percentage of your sarcasm isn't really sarcasm at all?
Please. Sarcasm? Me. Nevah.

And to answer the question, probably seven percent. I just pulled that number out of the air. Because I'm SO not a math person and simply picked an arbitrary number to provide closure to this question.

5. If you were to be a dog breed, which breed would you be?
A beagle or basset hound. A fun, kinda goofy doogie. Like Snoopy or Flash from The Dukes of Hazard.

6. Go grab the closest book. Open up to page 27. Whats the fourth sentence?
Using a sharp knife, cut off the tops of the artichokes down to wear the heart begins. (From The Mediterranean Diet Cookbook)

7. When's the last time someone put one over on you, told you a story that you totally fell for when it wasn't anywhere near true?
Cannot even remember.

8. Ever seen Michael Jackson in person?
No, actually.

9. Do you have a gut?
Indeed -- both internally and externally. Although the external one is totally shrinking (took my jeans off yesterday without unbuttoning or unzipping them. Boo-yah!) And the internal one is still giving me good advice. Most of the time.

10. What is one thing in your kitchen you have too many/too much of?
Dishes. I'm an addict collector.

11. Ever had a colon cleansing?
If you can call that 24-hour period before a colonoscopy a colon 'cleansing', then yep. Damn, that was bad... Otherwise, nope.


TopSurf said...

"And to answer the question, probably seven percent. I just pulled that number out of the air. Because I'm SO not a math person and simply picked an arbitrary number to provide closure to this question." OMG, you crack me up, you are hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Oh.mah.gawsh...that cat does look like Anna Wintour! hahaha

bronsont said...

Liar, liar, pants on fire, this was great!

Even without the sushi or Chicken Biscuit :)

Anonymous said...

I love this! Thanks for sharing some of your quirky details! :)

Anonymous said...

Honey, we have GOT to get you to stop putting yourself down. You are a delight to read! *big hugs* from The Swamp!

Kimber said...

Interesting answers! Thanks for playing!

Anonymous said...

I love it! As for Tom and Kaie reproducing again...meh...who cares!