I'm in the mood today to laugh. Not that I don't laugh on a regular basis, because I do (oh, how I do) but I'm in the frame of mind for some specific guffaws -- mostly some hilarity from Saturday Night Live. Can you dig it?
A classic. I had a moment like the one described by the inimitable Miss Gilda just this morning during my workout -- I was Dr. Joyce Brothers, in case you were wondering...
Never gets old... (HEADS UP: This is the uncensored version -- probably NSFW. Although everyone in your office has probably already seen this at least a dozen times.)
Christopher Walken is a can't-miss as an SNL guest host. While he's most remembered for "More Cowbell", this sketch is, I think, just as hilarious.
Maybe my favorite SNL sketch ever. Of all time. Period.
A forgotten gem... featuring one of the dudes on my "list", John Malkovich
Oooh -- my fave comedy on TV right now is "30 Rock" (which, if you're not watching, you need to. Seriously.) Here's a clip of one of my fave moments...
One more -- that has great personal significance for me. I'll let you watch and then guess what it is... every Monday morning in middle school...
Thanks for the good chuckle. SNL used to be so funny. I remember staying home just to watch Mr. Robinsons Neighborhood and Gumby.
Nice post! I love more cowbell of course.. and I can't even tell you how much d**k in a box still makes me laugh;)
Excellent choices, all. SNL was one of the reasons Miss Janey wanted to be a performer.
I can remember when I first found SNL when I was very young and snuck and stayed up late and put clothes at the bottom of my door so my parents wouldn't see I was up w/ the TV on! I was hooked from the first one I watched. I still dvr the show to this day. Thank you for the laughs it was a perfect way to end my week!
Every Monday morning, "Jane, you ignorant slut"?
You nailed it, Miss Janey. If not in Homeroom, then definitely by second period. Good times, good times.
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